Day 2 – Take ownership of web spaces

Workshop 1

Experience feedback – 10 years of digital production, by Ghassan Fayad et Colas Wohlfahrt

Through the presentation of various projects realized by KNGFU over the years – web documentaries, mobile applications, virtual reality, augmented reality, etc. – this day will cover various issues related to the use of the Internet as an information space, experimentation, creation, mediation, dissemination, dialogue, community anchoring, etc. Thus, the guests will talk about the main stages of realization of a project: interactive design, design, technical development, content realization, tests – prototyping, diffusion …

Workshop 2

Community Anchor and Digital Culture,  by Karoline Truchon

The workshop led by Karoline Truchon is a link between ethnographic approach and community building in order to tell something with a goal of social or relational transformation. This workshop is accompanied by an exercise for participants.

Workshop 3

The long danse of Bow’t Trail, by Rhodnie Désir et Marie-Claude Fournier

Presentation of the Bow’T Trail project under development and produced by KNGFU. This international webdocumentary by choreographer Rhodnie Désir and director Marie-Claude Fournier discusses the rhythmic and choreographic contribution of black culture throughout the Americas.

Objectives and learnings of the day

Stratégies d’interaction, contrôle des réseaux, médias sociaux, production, méthodologie, outils de scénarisation, arborescences, outils et langages de programmation, tendances technologiques au profit des nouvelles écritures, évaluation budgétaire d’un projet et financement, etc.

Interaction strategies, control of networks, social media, production, methodology, scripting tools, arborescences, programming tools and languages, technological trends for new artistic writings, budget evaluation of a project and financing, etc.